Wednesday, September 24, 2008

For The Longest Time

Alright, I updated a friend on something and she said I was expecting to read it on your blog. Wow what a way to realize that I have been so bad about blogging. I don't even know how long it has been, but I read a bit and I am able to catch you up on things.

After the first round of cortizone shots, which didn't work, I had another round, which didn't work. Then I had a third round, which again didn't work. I don't know if you see it but there is a bit of a theme going on with this cortizone thing. Anyway when you get 3 rounds of cortizone shots in 4 weeks they won't let you get anymore for 6 months, I was soooo sad.

Okay so now it is mid June and the shots aren't working so I was given a boot to wear, all day, in fact if I wasn't in the boot and wasn't in the night split the only thing it could mean was that I was in the shower. For the next couple weeks I was the but of all jokes, at work and at home. The kids called it "das boot", cause that 's what everyone at work was saying. Anyway by the end of June I was no longer able to work because my foot was declared non-weight bearing.

So there I was with no job so I had to stop going to Jenny Craig, and I had just reached a 20 lb weightloss. Most of the time I was sitting out back, under the shade, watching the kids play in the pool. By this point I was getting to be very good with crutches.

I had an MRI and a nerve conduction test done to see what was going on, we weren't sure that it was plantar fachitis. When the results came it, we found out that I had plantar fachitis, tarsal tunnel and I had a mass of muscle that was enlarged and encroaching on nerves. The next step was to have some physical therapy. After a couple of weeks and no change it was determined that surgery would be the only option.

While this was going on I was in the middle of looking for a new job, I had applied at Family & Children's Center. I went for the interview and found out a week later that I had gotten the job. I started the 11th of August and on the 12th found out that I was scheduled for surgery on the 20th. Nothing like telling your new boss of 1 day that you need at least a week and a half off. Okay so work went well and then came the day of surgery.

When I awoke in the recovery room it was to find out that even though they didn't think they would have to put me under completely, I was uncomfortable and they thought it would be in my best interest to do so, I had that lovely feeling that something was shoved down my throat. My doctor informed me that not only did she fix the plantar fachitis, the tarsal tunnel and the nerve problem, but I also had veins where there weren't supposed to be, a vericose vein that looked like grapes on a vine and I had a green onion sized cyst on my ankle bone which she took out. I was a wreck.

Well 18 stitches later I was sent home to recover. I had to sit with my foot propped up 24 hours a day. On Sept 9th I went back to work (so much for just being off for a few days), I also had 9 stitches taken out, every other one. On Sept 16th I had the remaining stitches taken out and steri strip tape put on instead. I am still unable to get the foot wet and I am still on crutches. I have fallen going up the stairs several times, fallen at work once, infront of about 4 people too many. Then to top it off yesterday I fell going down the stairs. My left side of my left leg is completely bruised, this also happens to be the foot surgery was preformed. I must have also wrenched my right shoulder cause that hurts. Oh well, I have an appointment tomorrow at 4:30 so we shall see if after 15 weeks on crutches if I will be able to get rid of them.

Now for some good news. School has started and Connor who is in 1st grade is doing wonderfully. He really likes it and seems to be doing well. Nic (that's how he is writing it now), is loving preschool and really likes after school care. He goes from 8-11 every day and from 11-3 is after school care.

And for some even better news, Nic had his annual apt with the Pediatric Cardiologist and he is doing great. The doctor was happy to note that things looked good and that they might even be improving ever so slightly. He is confident that he will only have to ever be monitered, he doesn't see any reason to think that his problem will ever worsen!!!! We were so excited to hear that he is doing so well.

Alright now that I have strained your eyes into exhaustion, I will leave you for a day or two. I will also try to get pic's of the foot posted so that those of you without weak stomachs can take a gander.

Love ya, Jenn