Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My home: the infirmary

Right now as I post I am listening to my two children compete to find out who is the sicker of the two. The oldest, I'll call, Monkey (his choice, not mine) had a really high fever a few days ago and now has this lovely phlegmy cough. The youngest, I'll call, Peanut (my choice, not his) had a touch of the fever and now has the runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing and cough. They are laying together on my bed, anyone want to take bets on how long it'll be before my husband and I have one or more of these symptoms? They look pathetic, sound even worse and are milking it for all it is worth. "Mom could you...I'm too sick, mom I can't, cause I have the fever." I think it's cute but I don't think it'll be as cute if it continues much longer or if I become sick.

These are the days when I feel that Mother's Day should be turned into Mother's Week. One day a year to say thanks for all you have done and will do for us just doesn't seem enough when you are taking care of the house, the sick kids, the kids with attitude and then still trying to keep yourself awake long enough to be the loving wife that our husbands expect us to be. Oh well at least there is a day for us to be appreciated.

Have a great day and if you have sick ones give them a kiss and a hug and then go take your Airborne. :-)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Snow, blood and timers

With a title like that I bet you're wondering where this is going.

Today we had a great time outside in the snow, nothing like 40 degrees and sunny. It makes the best snow packing. We built forts and threw snowballs and just had a great time. Only two of my two kids got hurt, and only one of them had the bleed as they say. Not too bad.

But did you know that kids have this timer on them that counts down. It's true. Today we're out playing and wouldn't you know both of the boys timers went off at the same time. They were done. They wanted no more to do with anything. They wanted in, they wanted warm, they wanted dinner and gosh darn it they wanted it NOW!!!!! I can't wait till it's my turn to have a timer on me, with my luck I'll be too old to remember how to use it, oh well.

The tales will continue, I'm sure.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Crazy Children

It is Sunday morning and we are getting ready for church and the we have again discovered that we have Children of The Corn.

Most of my blogging is probably going to be about the antics of my two boys but I am sure that I will stray from that occasionally.

I have to thank my good friend Lolo for creating her blog and thereby allowing me to create my blog. I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it and if you have time for comments I sure would love to read them.

Thank you and I hope to make you laugh soon.

Jenn :-)