Sunday, February 18, 2007

Crazy Children

It is Sunday morning and we are getting ready for church and the we have again discovered that we have Children of The Corn.

Most of my blogging is probably going to be about the antics of my two boys but I am sure that I will stray from that occasionally.

I have to thank my good friend Lolo for creating her blog and thereby allowing me to create my blog. I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it and if you have time for comments I sure would love to read them.

Thank you and I hope to make you laugh soon.

Jenn :-)

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hi, Jenn!

Thank you for the kind words! You are one of the reasons why I am writing Adventures with Greenie.

Children of the Corn...should be it more accurately named Children of the Dave? (tee hee hee)

Nice post! Love, Lolo