Monday, March 12, 2007

It was bound to happen

Well the kids are better, yeah! Now, of course, I am sicker than anything. I can't hear right, I think have actually hacked up portions of my lungs and it always makes me wonder how one person can have so much snot (sorry for the ugly word) in their head.

We enjoyed a fun filled weekend of beautiful weather and can't wait for tomorrow when it is supposed to be 66 degrees!!! We had outside time with neighbors and I can't wait to get back into our routine of the weekend fire with friends and such.

We did partake of a movie on Saturday night and saw the new film 300!!! Go see this film, wonderfully done! A 2 hour movie that seriously felt like 45 minutes. I really liked it, you do have to not have an aversion to blood but overall still a great movie.

And speaking of movies, who else is going to run right out tomorrow and buy the Casino Royal DVD with Daniel (I'm too sexy for my shirt and pants) Craig!!! I have to admit that I am not that big of a James Bond fan but if they keep him I will go see every single new Bond that comes out. He's so HOT!!!!

And last but not least I have to tell everyone who doesn't already know that I have the most wonderful, loving husband of all time. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year and he got the most beautiful wrap for my solitare that I have ever seen. I have been told is making other husbands look bad but I don't care. So even though I've said it before I will say it again, Thank you for being the most wonderful husband, friend and father to our children that I could have ever asked for, eat your heart out women!!!

Have a great day and enjoy the upcoming weather!


1 comment:

Lori said...

Hello Madame Goddess of the Ring--

Hope you are feeling better soon.
I almost saw 300 but sent hubby ahead with his guy friends. I was too tired out!

I did see Casino Royale and I agree the new James Bond is meowish! Purrrrrrfect.

Love, Lolo