Friday, March 30, 2007


Well I had the life scared out of me on Thursday. My mom, sister, niece, me and the two kids went to an Easter Egg Hunt at a local grocery store. We had to be separated due to ages, so I went with the youngest, Peanut. We were told that the parents couldn't go down the aisle with the children. So I put him in the aisle and he was fine with this. He started hunting and other mom's were going to the end of the aisle, via the next aisle, to greet them on the other side. I decided this seemed like a good idea. I got there and of course because I am so short I couldn't see anything. The "nice" woman infront of me, when I told her that I couldn't see my child said she couldn't see her's either and only moved for a sec so I could peek down the aisle. Nowhere near long enough to look for my child.

So the search for eggs ends and I still haven't seen my little Peanut. I am now starting to flip out just a bit. Now people have moved and I can clearly see down the aisle and my Peanut is NOT there!!!!!! Panic sets in but not enough people have moved so that I can go down the aisle. Finally a nice man sees that I am not alright, understatement of the decade!! He asks that everyone let me through. Now my little Peanut is for sure not in the aisle and full blown tears start in. I get to the end of the aisle and he's nowhere to be seen. You, with children know exactly what I am thinking at this moment! Someone asks whats wrong, I am by now sobbing, big time. I tell them my son is missing and what he had on and such. About an hour, okay probably more like 30 seconds, go by and someone says I think we found him.

I look to my left and about 30 feet from me is this precious little thing with a face as red as an apple and tears streaming down his face. I ran to him and clutched him so hard and sat down right where we were. Of course he calms down first and says to me Mommy stop crying! Kids!

By the way the store didn't really seem too upset that this happened and now that I have had a few days to calm down, they will be getting a call at the home office to let them know I did not like how things were handled and how I was treated.

In other more happy news. I had the best dinner with two of my greatest friends last Friday. I suggest that if you can try to go out once a month with friends. We had the best time, 3 hours and 2 bottles of wine later!!!!

I am getting ready to go outside (10:39pm) to enjoy one of our nights by the fire!

Keep your kids safe and make sure they know you love them. It wouldn't hurt if they knew your first name and things like that too.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh, poor girl!

Glad everything turned out okay. People should be more sensitive. Sorry this happened to you...
And I hope I am one of your greatest friends as well (a-hem)