Thursday, March 27, 2008

Still Here

I chose this picture because it decided today to start snowing again. Could we please have some 55-60 degree weather?? Is that too much to ask?

CB (my husband) is away on a business trip and won't be back till Saturday. So I am doing the single mom thing. To all those single mom's out there, WAY TO GO!!! I don't know how you do it, I applaude you.

While CB is away I am working on the bathroom that I started 6.5 years ago. It is coming along. I still have to prime the cupboards and then paint them and put the hardware back on and I'll be done. CB has no clue that I am working on this project and should be pleasantly surprised Saturday. I had several projects that I wanted to work on but there just doesn't seem to be time to do it ALL. I'll be able to work on it a bit more tonight and then a little tomorrow before I work. Not sure what all I will get done on Saturday. I have to make a dessert for a book club that I am attending.

Speaking of book club if you are looking for a fun, quick, chit lit book have I got an author for you, her name is Emily Giffin and the books are Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Baby Proof and she has a new one coming out in a month or so. The first two are connected so you must read both and I suggest that you read Something Borrowed first. This Saturday is our first official book club meeting and we will be discussing the first two books.

So as I said above my hubby left Wednesday and he's not even gone 12 hours and I have already maimed one of the children. We were at a local home improvement store, I told you I am motived to get things done while CB is gone, and Peanut asked to get out of the cart. I pick him up and swing him around kind of behind me and I hear "thunk" and then crying ensues. I know exactly what has happened but not the extent. I hold him to me and whisper mommy words and such. I pull him away and he looks okay, a small scratch on his nose, you know no big deal. I hold him to me again and then pull him away to say everything will be okay and that's when I see the BLOOD!!!! Oh Crap! I don't want to go the hospital without CB and to make matters worse I am watching a friends 10 year old. He says "are we going to have to go to the hospital?" Peanut starts crying harder. Monkey says "Mom I think we'll have to amputate" (our standard saying when someone is hurt) and Peanut starts crying harder. We take him up to the front to get him cleaned up and that's when I notice that it is not a cut, it is an indentation in his forehead. The rug rack impaled him!!! I look it over and determine that he's going to live, not need stitches and more than likely we won't have to amputate.

Now he wears a bandaid like a proud badge and he's not shy about telling everyone that I did it to him! Nice! Mom of the year here.

I'll let you know if any other fun ensues.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hang in there! You are a terrific Mom, wife, and friend!