Friday, April 25, 2008


jsg 3/29/2008

My how time flies. I can't believe that it has been a month since my last blog. All is well here. We've been busy trying to clean out Nonny's house, 50 some years worth of stuff. Slowly but surely we are getting there.

We all have been enjoying the beautiful weather that we have been experiencing, next week won't be so nice. Oh well that's Indiana for you.

The kids are doing well and Monkey can't wait for school to be out so we can do things.

I have to tell you we were in the car yesterday and just chatting and CB said something about piddly things and the boys wanted to know why I bought piddly things, CB couldn't stop laughing and I was about to smack him!

I have doing well on Jenny Craig, I am down 12 or so lbs and am toning up really well. I only have about 18 lbs to go, it seems to me to be getting just a tad harder instead of easier. I have a short term goal for the end of April of 140 and I am 3-4 lbs shy of that right now, so I really need to work hard. The only problem that I am facing is that I pulled a muscle in my back on my right side and I have Plantar Feschitis (sp) really bad in my left foot. (Sever pain in the heel when walking or even sitting sometimes).

Oh well I'll keep you updated. Also going to Carmel on Tuesday to see another blogger called the Yarn Harlot. She is hilarious. It ought to be a hoot, going with mom and sister.

Love and kisses

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jenn!
Love your photo and your bloggie!
Nice! Hope to see you soon.