Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Logan's, "Forever", Friends & Weigh-less

Hey ya'll

I just got home from another exciting evening at Logan's. All went well and there were no major foul ups. I have to say that I actually like working there most days, the people are nice and the guests are usually wonderful. There are your really nice people like mine tonight who tip 10% (it was actually more like 9% but who's keeping track). Just in case you don't know, servers here in Indiana make $2.13 per hour. That includes the hour that we don't have guests, like when we are closing the place down. So don't forget to tip your wait staff well. A good rule of thumb 3 times the tax is good.

Right now I am reading a great book (for the second time) entitled "Forever" by Pete Hamill. It is a wonderful book about a man who is given the ability to live forever as long as he never leaves the island of Manhattan. It begins in the 1700's and continues through to 9-11. It contains a lot of true events and helps give some insight into why things are the way they are today.

A fellow blogger and wonderful friend of mine recently asked me to give her some feed back on what some of my favorite blogs of hers were. It took a long time to go through as she has been blogging for 3 years but what I got out of it was great. She has a great sense of humor and a wonderful way with words. I guess that is why she is writing a book and has several compilations of poetry that she has put together. Yea Lolo! I love and admire you always. Don't forget to tell your friends how much they mean to you.

One last note. I am down 14.8 (let's just say 15) lbs and I am so happy. I was talking to my consultant on Monday, telling her that I only have 15 lbs to go and she told me that she didn't know where it was going to come from. That was extremely encouraging. I can tell you that I am wearing clothes that I was never able to wear before. Sizes that were always just a dream for me and the self confidence that I have gathered from all this is just amazing. I have 5 more lbs to go and I am going to treat myself. I have a special present picked out. I don't want to say what it is so that I don't jinx anything.

I am going to try my best to blog more often, I hope you all enjoy. I would love to know what you think so don't forget to use the comments section.

Love and Kisses


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, Jenn - I love catching up on you this way (though in person is best!) :) You amaze and inspire me... just want you to know!! Love you lots. -Donna

Lori said...

Thanks for your kind words.
Love you,