Friday, May 30, 2008

My aching feet

Hey Ya'll

I am sitting here with my feet propped up and watching tv with my wonderful family. Although I am watching a show I don't know anything about, The Sarah Jane Adventures. I'd like to tell you that I have my feet propped up because it is relaxing, but actually it is because I have been suffering from a condition called Plantear Fechitis (I know that I have not spelled this correctly). What happens is the ligament that connects from your heel to your toes is strained. This causes immense pain in your heel. Something similar to someone hammering a nail into your heel. Extremely painful to say the least.

After seeing the foot doctor 3 weeks ago, I was fitted for a splint that I was to wear at night for 3 weeks, this was to fix my problem. Well that didn't work. So Thursday I went back and they injected my heel with 3 hits of Cortizone, then she wrapped it tightly (to the point of pain) which I have to leave wrapped for 5 days. Oh yeah in the mean time I am not able to take showers, due to the not being able to get my foot wet thing. This is supposed to help me and take care of the problem. But let me tell you that I am in some incredible pain. I don't know if it is from the shots or just my normal problem that I have been suffering from. Anyway I am hoping that this starts working and that the pain goes away soon.

On a lighter note the picture at the top is from my father in St Maarten. He was on the beach and must have seen this turtle getting ready to bury it's eggs. The police were there to make sure that no harm comes to the turtle. Absolutely amazing! They are returning either today or tomorrow and I can't wait to see them. This is a trip they take every year and each time they come back with beautiful items and great stories. I keep saying that one year I will go too and see all and do all they do.

Well I must get going, we are now watching Dr Who, another show I don't watch so much but something that the kids are really into and outside my window a show I am really into, the lightening show.

Love ya. Jenn

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