Friday, May 16, 2008

I Won!!!

Hey Ya'll

I know that most of you don't know this, but I am a bit (VERY) competitive. Tonight Dave and I played Sorry and I won. You have to realize that most times he wins and it doesn't feel very good. So yeah for me! I just had to blow my own horn there for a minute.

So now here I sit, me on one end of the sofa, Dave on the other, and a very wiped out Ozzie. We had a lot of outside time today so he's very tired. I guess we all are. The kids had a lot of outside time and Dave after a hard day had to come home and mow the lawn. But after everyone got cleaned up we went to dinner at one of the South Sides best kept secret. It's called the China Garden and it is next to Peddler's Pub. I really liked the atmosphere, it is downstairs and the food was really great. The kids really enjoyed the Egg Drop Soup (always a favorite with them). And even though they put p0rk in it the Shrimp with Lobster Sauce was pretty good. All in all a very nice evening all around. The kids went to bed fairly easy as they were full and tired.

As I sit and write this we are watching the White Sox play against the Giants. Go Sox!

I love how before I started this tonight I felt like I had 8 million things to tell you and now that I am here to tell them I feel like I have nothing to say.

Well I am going to go now because we have a financial planner coming from Primarica to talk to us about some things. They are very good and are helping us to get some things taken care of. I highly recommend them. They come in for free and tell you where you are and how to get any debt paid down, how long it will take and what is the quickest and cheapest route for you to go. Also they tell you what type of insurance you need based on the things you tell them. Anyway tomorrow is our third meeting with them and we feel so much better about things than we did before we started this process.

Alright I am going now. You all have a great night and I'll talk to you soon.

Hugs and kisses

1 comment:

Lori said...

Congrats!You won!
Love, Lolo