Monday, June 4, 2007

Wow, things have changed

Okay so it has been over 1 month since my last post. Here's what has happened.

My oldest is done with school today!!! I can't believe that he is done with Kindergarten already. He did such a good job and his teacher should get a medal for how well she did. They are having a program tonight where they will be singing.

I have been working for the last 4 weeks or so at Logan's Roadhouse. I am having a blast and would love to see anyone who wants a bite to eat. I usually work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. I'd love to see you.

We are still fighting with the youngest on his potty training. I know he can do it but I think he is just being lazy. I am hoping to really get going with this now that the oldest doesn't have school anymore.

Also in just another week or so my husband and I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage! These days that is a pretty big deal. I am very happy to say that I am in love with him today even more than I was 10 years ago.

I will post more often. Have a great start of summer!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My How Time Flies

Okay I didn't realize that it had been so long since my last post. Sorry, been busy with shows, kids, family and a mini vacation.

We just got back from Virginia. We had a wedding to attend. Congrats Ryan and Gretchen!!! We had a wonderful time. The weather couldn't have been better. It was sunny and warm, a nice break from the rain and cold. The kids had a good time and even got to swim for a bit.

Life here is hectic as always and I am looking forward to dinner tonight with my girl friends at Hacienda, I plan on a Ginormous Margarita!!!

I was recently on YouTube and just in case you haven't seen it yet you should go on and enter The Landlord. There is the funniest Will Farrel short, I almost peed my pants!

Went and saw Blades of Glory, so very funny. Took the kids to Night at the Museum and of course now they want the DVD. And so much to look forward to...Shrek 3, Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix, and of course I will be at Borders at Midnight on July 21 to pick up my copy of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. So much going on!

Not much else, I will try to post in the next couple days. I have some planting to do and other yardy stuff.

Have a great day and remember in your prayers Cpl Nick Polizzito and all the victims of the Virginia Tech Shooting.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Well I had the life scared out of me on Thursday. My mom, sister, niece, me and the two kids went to an Easter Egg Hunt at a local grocery store. We had to be separated due to ages, so I went with the youngest, Peanut. We were told that the parents couldn't go down the aisle with the children. So I put him in the aisle and he was fine with this. He started hunting and other mom's were going to the end of the aisle, via the next aisle, to greet them on the other side. I decided this seemed like a good idea. I got there and of course because I am so short I couldn't see anything. The "nice" woman infront of me, when I told her that I couldn't see my child said she couldn't see her's either and only moved for a sec so I could peek down the aisle. Nowhere near long enough to look for my child.

So the search for eggs ends and I still haven't seen my little Peanut. I am now starting to flip out just a bit. Now people have moved and I can clearly see down the aisle and my Peanut is NOT there!!!!!! Panic sets in but not enough people have moved so that I can go down the aisle. Finally a nice man sees that I am not alright, understatement of the decade!! He asks that everyone let me through. Now my little Peanut is for sure not in the aisle and full blown tears start in. I get to the end of the aisle and he's nowhere to be seen. You, with children know exactly what I am thinking at this moment! Someone asks whats wrong, I am by now sobbing, big time. I tell them my son is missing and what he had on and such. About an hour, okay probably more like 30 seconds, go by and someone says I think we found him.

I look to my left and about 30 feet from me is this precious little thing with a face as red as an apple and tears streaming down his face. I ran to him and clutched him so hard and sat down right where we were. Of course he calms down first and says to me Mommy stop crying! Kids!

By the way the store didn't really seem too upset that this happened and now that I have had a few days to calm down, they will be getting a call at the home office to let them know I did not like how things were handled and how I was treated.

In other more happy news. I had the best dinner with two of my greatest friends last Friday. I suggest that if you can try to go out once a month with friends. We had the best time, 3 hours and 2 bottles of wine later!!!!

I am getting ready to go outside (10:39pm) to enjoy one of our nights by the fire!

Keep your kids safe and make sure they know you love them. It wouldn't hurt if they knew your first name and things like that too.

Monday, March 12, 2007

It was bound to happen

Well the kids are better, yeah! Now, of course, I am sicker than anything. I can't hear right, I think have actually hacked up portions of my lungs and it always makes me wonder how one person can have so much snot (sorry for the ugly word) in their head.

We enjoyed a fun filled weekend of beautiful weather and can't wait for tomorrow when it is supposed to be 66 degrees!!! We had outside time with neighbors and I can't wait to get back into our routine of the weekend fire with friends and such.

We did partake of a movie on Saturday night and saw the new film 300!!! Go see this film, wonderfully done! A 2 hour movie that seriously felt like 45 minutes. I really liked it, you do have to not have an aversion to blood but overall still a great movie.

And speaking of movies, who else is going to run right out tomorrow and buy the Casino Royal DVD with Daniel (I'm too sexy for my shirt and pants) Craig!!! I have to admit that I am not that big of a James Bond fan but if they keep him I will go see every single new Bond that comes out. He's so HOT!!!!

And last but not least I have to tell everyone who doesn't already know that I have the most wonderful, loving husband of all time. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year and he got the most beautiful wrap for my solitare that I have ever seen. I have been told is making other husbands look bad but I don't care. So even though I've said it before I will say it again, Thank you for being the most wonderful husband, friend and father to our children that I could have ever asked for, eat your heart out women!!!

Have a great day and enjoy the upcoming weather!


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My home: the infirmary

Right now as I post I am listening to my two children compete to find out who is the sicker of the two. The oldest, I'll call, Monkey (his choice, not mine) had a really high fever a few days ago and now has this lovely phlegmy cough. The youngest, I'll call, Peanut (my choice, not his) had a touch of the fever and now has the runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing and cough. They are laying together on my bed, anyone want to take bets on how long it'll be before my husband and I have one or more of these symptoms? They look pathetic, sound even worse and are milking it for all it is worth. "Mom could you...I'm too sick, mom I can't, cause I have the fever." I think it's cute but I don't think it'll be as cute if it continues much longer or if I become sick.

These are the days when I feel that Mother's Day should be turned into Mother's Week. One day a year to say thanks for all you have done and will do for us just doesn't seem enough when you are taking care of the house, the sick kids, the kids with attitude and then still trying to keep yourself awake long enough to be the loving wife that our husbands expect us to be. Oh well at least there is a day for us to be appreciated.

Have a great day and if you have sick ones give them a kiss and a hug and then go take your Airborne. :-)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Snow, blood and timers

With a title like that I bet you're wondering where this is going.

Today we had a great time outside in the snow, nothing like 40 degrees and sunny. It makes the best snow packing. We built forts and threw snowballs and just had a great time. Only two of my two kids got hurt, and only one of them had the bleed as they say. Not too bad.

But did you know that kids have this timer on them that counts down. It's true. Today we're out playing and wouldn't you know both of the boys timers went off at the same time. They were done. They wanted no more to do with anything. They wanted in, they wanted warm, they wanted dinner and gosh darn it they wanted it NOW!!!!! I can't wait till it's my turn to have a timer on me, with my luck I'll be too old to remember how to use it, oh well.

The tales will continue, I'm sure.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Crazy Children

It is Sunday morning and we are getting ready for church and the we have again discovered that we have Children of The Corn.

Most of my blogging is probably going to be about the antics of my two boys but I am sure that I will stray from that occasionally.

I have to thank my good friend Lolo for creating her blog and thereby allowing me to create my blog. I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it and if you have time for comments I sure would love to read them.

Thank you and I hope to make you laugh soon.

Jenn :-)