Friday, May 30, 2008

My aching feet

Hey Ya'll

I am sitting here with my feet propped up and watching tv with my wonderful family. Although I am watching a show I don't know anything about, The Sarah Jane Adventures. I'd like to tell you that I have my feet propped up because it is relaxing, but actually it is because I have been suffering from a condition called Plantear Fechitis (I know that I have not spelled this correctly). What happens is the ligament that connects from your heel to your toes is strained. This causes immense pain in your heel. Something similar to someone hammering a nail into your heel. Extremely painful to say the least.

After seeing the foot doctor 3 weeks ago, I was fitted for a splint that I was to wear at night for 3 weeks, this was to fix my problem. Well that didn't work. So Thursday I went back and they injected my heel with 3 hits of Cortizone, then she wrapped it tightly (to the point of pain) which I have to leave wrapped for 5 days. Oh yeah in the mean time I am not able to take showers, due to the not being able to get my foot wet thing. This is supposed to help me and take care of the problem. But let me tell you that I am in some incredible pain. I don't know if it is from the shots or just my normal problem that I have been suffering from. Anyway I am hoping that this starts working and that the pain goes away soon.

On a lighter note the picture at the top is from my father in St Maarten. He was on the beach and must have seen this turtle getting ready to bury it's eggs. The police were there to make sure that no harm comes to the turtle. Absolutely amazing! They are returning either today or tomorrow and I can't wait to see them. This is a trip they take every year and each time they come back with beautiful items and great stories. I keep saying that one year I will go too and see all and do all they do.

Well I must get going, we are now watching Dr Who, another show I don't watch so much but something that the kids are really into and outside my window a show I am really into, the lightening show.

Love ya. Jenn

Friday, May 16, 2008

I Won!!!

Hey Ya'll

I know that most of you don't know this, but I am a bit (VERY) competitive. Tonight Dave and I played Sorry and I won. You have to realize that most times he wins and it doesn't feel very good. So yeah for me! I just had to blow my own horn there for a minute.

So now here I sit, me on one end of the sofa, Dave on the other, and a very wiped out Ozzie. We had a lot of outside time today so he's very tired. I guess we all are. The kids had a lot of outside time and Dave after a hard day had to come home and mow the lawn. But after everyone got cleaned up we went to dinner at one of the South Sides best kept secret. It's called the China Garden and it is next to Peddler's Pub. I really liked the atmosphere, it is downstairs and the food was really great. The kids really enjoyed the Egg Drop Soup (always a favorite with them). And even though they put p0rk in it the Shrimp with Lobster Sauce was pretty good. All in all a very nice evening all around. The kids went to bed fairly easy as they were full and tired.

As I sit and write this we are watching the White Sox play against the Giants. Go Sox!

I love how before I started this tonight I felt like I had 8 million things to tell you and now that I am here to tell them I feel like I have nothing to say.

Well I am going to go now because we have a financial planner coming from Primarica to talk to us about some things. They are very good and are helping us to get some things taken care of. I highly recommend them. They come in for free and tell you where you are and how to get any debt paid down, how long it will take and what is the quickest and cheapest route for you to go. Also they tell you what type of insurance you need based on the things you tell them. Anyway tomorrow is our third meeting with them and we feel so much better about things than we did before we started this process.

Alright I am going now. You all have a great night and I'll talk to you soon.

Hugs and kisses

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Logan's, "Forever", Friends & Weigh-less

Hey ya'll

I just got home from another exciting evening at Logan's. All went well and there were no major foul ups. I have to say that I actually like working there most days, the people are nice and the guests are usually wonderful. There are your really nice people like mine tonight who tip 10% (it was actually more like 9% but who's keeping track). Just in case you don't know, servers here in Indiana make $2.13 per hour. That includes the hour that we don't have guests, like when we are closing the place down. So don't forget to tip your wait staff well. A good rule of thumb 3 times the tax is good.

Right now I am reading a great book (for the second time) entitled "Forever" by Pete Hamill. It is a wonderful book about a man who is given the ability to live forever as long as he never leaves the island of Manhattan. It begins in the 1700's and continues through to 9-11. It contains a lot of true events and helps give some insight into why things are the way they are today.

A fellow blogger and wonderful friend of mine recently asked me to give her some feed back on what some of my favorite blogs of hers were. It took a long time to go through as she has been blogging for 3 years but what I got out of it was great. She has a great sense of humor and a wonderful way with words. I guess that is why she is writing a book and has several compilations of poetry that she has put together. Yea Lolo! I love and admire you always. Don't forget to tell your friends how much they mean to you.

One last note. I am down 14.8 (let's just say 15) lbs and I am so happy. I was talking to my consultant on Monday, telling her that I only have 15 lbs to go and she told me that she didn't know where it was going to come from. That was extremely encouraging. I can tell you that I am wearing clothes that I was never able to wear before. Sizes that were always just a dream for me and the self confidence that I have gathered from all this is just amazing. I have 5 more lbs to go and I am going to treat myself. I have a special present picked out. I don't want to say what it is so that I don't jinx anything.

I am going to try my best to blog more often, I hope you all enjoy. I would love to know what you think so don't forget to use the comments section.

Love and Kisses